Federica Molly
Federica Molly

October 2, 2014

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Buying a good mattress is the first step to sleep well during pregnancy

consigli per dormire in gravidanza

Sleeping well during pregnancy is essential since your body gets more tired and sleeping may become more difficult. Increased womb size, hormone action, progesterone, movements of the baby, frequent urge to urinate at night, and restless leg syndrome are just a few of the causes that prevent a good night’s sleep in pregnancy.  After the fifth month it is advisable to sleep on your side as this ensures a better foetal growth, facilitates blood flow and allows  your baby to move freely.

Let’s face it, sleeping during pregnancy is more difficult and you need to take a series of precautions, including buying a good mattress.

This is why Mollyflex  recommends all couples expecting a baby to make a careful choice when buying a mattress. A comfortable mattress for total relax and a wise investment for a healthy, serene pregnancy.

Below are some of the mattresses Mollyflex has designed specifically for use during pregnancy:

Medical X-Static –  a mattress featuring the same characteristics as the ones used in hospitals and healthcare facilities, which offers the maximum comfort for its durability and anti-bedsore properties.  With a 7cm memory foam, this mattress is ideal for pregnant mothers.

Memo Deluxe Liscio – a mattress made using eco-friendly breathable, non-deforming foam, which features a shaped plate with curves at the points where the memory foam comes into contact with your shoulders and hips. This system provides deep-seated comfort and a high level of posture support ensuring the ideal position during pregnancy.

If these models meet your requirements, then you might also be interested in:

  • Cubotto Medium
  • Memo Artic
  • Memo Deluxe Quilted

For further information, please send an email to [email protected] . You will receive a quick response.